Thursday, July 29, 2021

6 Essential Commands to Teach Your Dog

Like the furry strong-willed kids, dogs usually seemed to have the mind of their individuality. But you may keep them happy and safe with just a bit of love, training and patience. Start by teaching your dog some basic commands.

What You Should Know Before You Begin Basic Training

  • Find a calm, quiet place to train him.
  • Take a unique approach to training your dog by taking into account his or her personality.
  • Keep any language and gestures you use for each command consistently.
  • Stick to a schedule as much as possible, but keep the training sessions short and simple.
  • Be patient with your dog throughout the training process.
  • Use positive reinforcement and reward your dog for their progress.
  • Make it fun and play along with your dog while teaching them new commands.

Try teaching your dog some basic instructions - keep in mind that certain tricks are easier to teach than others.

1. Watch Me

This command is a good place to start since it teaches your dog to respect your authority as the pack leader and to heed your directions. It can also be used to reset if the training sessions get rowdy. Make eye contact with the dog and use a reward to direct their focus from their nose to your face, while saying "watch me" or "look at me" in the process.

2. Sit

Begin by placing a reward near the dog's nose and gently pulling the treat away at an angle. In an ideal situation, the dog will drop their flank until they are sitting. Repeat the technique until the dog has learned and understands the "sit" command. When they do it right, give them some extra love and affection - your dog deserves it.

3. Stay

The "stay" command is effective in any situation, but it is especially effective when a dog is off-leashes. It's a good idea to teach your dog to sit first, then, use the sit command to prepare him for learning how to remain.  Begin with a few steps, and after they have learned the skill to stay until called, reward them with a treat.

4. Come Here

Teaching a dog to come when called should be a priority for any dog owner. Put your dog on a leash and stand at a safe distance, but down at their level to begin. When they come, give them the reward and compliment them on their genius.

5. Down

Begin by placing a delectable-smelling goodie in your closed hand. Place your palm on the dog's snout to allow them to detect the fragrance, then, lower it to the ground. When the dog reaches the ground, slowly slide your fist towards you, causing the dog to crawl towards you. Once they've met you, give them the order, give them the treat, and give them some praise.

6. Drop It

Your dog has to know when to release go of objects. Preventing your dog from picking up or ingesting something damaging to their health is also crucial from a safety aspect.

The bait and switch method are the simplest way to approach the "drop it" or "leave it" instruction. In each hand, there is goodie (closed fists). Then, using your left hand as an incentive, tell your dog to leave what's in your right hand. Keep the reward in your left hand until the dog has completely backed away from goodie in your right.

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Squeaky Toys for Dogs: Sound Advice for Choosing the Right Dog Toy

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Squeaky Toys for Dogs: Sound Advice for Choosing the Right Dog Toy

What makes certain pet toys squeak and others crinkle or jingle? These pet toy noises, believe it or not, are designed to appeal to your pet's natural instincts. If you're looking for a new toy for your four-legged companion, you should look for one that makes a sound they'll like. It'll be more enjoyable for you both!

While it may appear that selecting the appropriate toy sound for your pet is as simple as displaying the toy to your pet and seeing their reaction, finding this for each individual pet is actually a complicated task. Buying cat toys online or at a pet store where your dog can't accompany you means there is a higher chance of getting duplicate items, therefore your purchase price will likely be more as well. We are pleased to be able to aid you in your next shopping expedition by providing you with a list of noises that pets appreciate when playing with their toys.

There's a reason why dogs like noisy toys over everything else. According to some recent investigations of ancient species' DNA, dogs split from wolves roughly 40,000 years ago. Modern dogs get aroused hearing those squeaky sounds when they bite something, according to their primordial wolf instincts. It's similar to hunting, which entails catching and killing tiny creatures.

This might also explain why some dogs like destroying noisy toys by chewing them until they no longer sound. The chasing and biting are more enjoyable when the toy squeaks. When the toy stops making sound, it's as if the prey has died, and it's time to look for something else to search for.

Choosing the Right Toy for Your Dog

Different pets, much like humans, have preferences of their own. Therefore, the easiest way to learn about the many toys you have at home and their noises and styles is to try with them with your pet. An assortment of different toys, ranging from different forms, sizes, fragrances, textures, and noises, should be provided and played with to discover what your dog or cat likes and hates. Also, be sure to keep an eye on your pet while you try to entice each toy, so you can figure out what their most appealing feature is. 100 toys and throwing them on the ground will not work. Not only will your pet not like any of the toys, but it will also be too frustrating for you to go through the ordeal of choosing new toys for your pet.

The way your pet responds when they are terrified or upset is analogous to how you may respond if you owned a pet. In addition to speaking to the pet, when playing with your pet, Hartstein suggests being attentive to their body language in order to discern which sounds they appreciate and which ones they don't. The best approach is to employ a wide range of stimulating and entertaining toys, which gives the pet everything it needs and ensures that it receives optimal care. Choosing which toys to utilize for your pet's enjoyment is important, so check out a few different options to see which the pet enjoys the most.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Handling a Puppy Who Chews on Everything

Dogs chew for a variety of reasons, and when it comes to dog training, it's always best to start with the basics to figure out why they're chewed in the first place. Boredom, tension, and enjoyment are the most common reasons we observe dogs chewing. Your dog, like us, is looking for something to do and they resort to the simplest option, chewing.

What Is the Best Way to Stop Chewing?

There are three things you can do to stop or prevent your dog from chewing. Manage their time, create an enjoyable atmosphere, and get more exercise for your puppy. It's all about stopping your dog from chewing when it comes to time management. It's all about setting them up for success by providing an enjoyable atmosphere. And, of course, exercise is the panacea for the majority of canine issues!

Manage Your Dog's Time

Integrating numerous training principles into one spot is the key to managing your dog's time. First and foremost, if your puppy chews, you should strictly adhere to the Three Rules of Housetraining.  

Rule 1: You must be on a leash inside.

Rule 1 seems strange at first, but if you apply it, you'll see that it solves 90% of your issues. It's as simple as taking an old leash that you don't use anymore, cutting the handle, clipping it to your dog's collar, and letting them pull it about. It's practically like giving your dog a remote control. You don't have to grasp at your dog, chase them away from anything, or worry about them sneaking away and chewing anything.  

Rule 2: Keep your dog on a leash outside.

This regulation now has more to do with excellent housekeeping habits than it does with chewing. However, it may also assist here by allowing you to practice with your dog on “Leave It and Come When Called” so that it can be useful at home.

Rule 3: If you can't be with your dog, he or she is confined to a crate.

Consider your kennel to be your dog's home. It's a secure location for them to go so they don't harm themselves or your belongings. Some people see the crate as a kind of punishment, yet dogs are den creatures that like having a peaceful area to retreat to. 

Create a pleasurable atmosphere

First and foremost, your dog should have as many toys and chew objects as possible. Filling a toy with nice material is entirely up to you and your knowledge of what your dog enjoys. You have a variety of options for what to leave for your pet, including hollow bones, Kong toys, and several other active toys.

Any puzzle-style toys are another wonderful alternative for keeping your dog occupied while you observe them. What substance the toy is composed of should be determined by how voracious a chewer and destruction your dog is. Just keep in mind that, as entertaining as these toys are, they are not intended for unattended use.

Your Puppy Needs Exercise

It's no secret that pups require a lot of activity, and depending on the breed, they may require even more. But, as with the lack of toys, it astounds me how many people come in and fail to notice the link. So, if you're experiencing chewing issues and you're managing your puppy well and providing a good environment, get out there and exercise your puppy!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Teeth Problems: “Pets can have them too”

Your pet's bad breath might be a symptom of dental problems. Bacteria present as a result of tartar, gum disease, or even an abscess is the source of foul breath. Dogs and cats, believe it or not, will have substantial dental disease and suffering, but will only show us mild indications of it.

How to know if my pet has dental problems?

Keep an eye out for subtle changes in your pet. It's possible they don't want to eat their favorite crunchy food or play with a hard toy any more. They could let food slip out of their mouths or refuse to be petted around the lips. Your pet may develop a swelling beneath one eye or close one eye in extreme situations if a tooth root abscess has gone undetected. In certain cases, your pet may give you no indication that there is a problem! This is why it's critical to have your veterinarian do a complete dental check every 6–12 months to detect tooth problems.

Why should I be concerned about dental problems if my pet isn't acting any differently?

You should be concerned for two reasons. The first is that your pet is in pain, but is unable to tell you about it. Lots of senior dogs that needed major dental repair owe to years of deterioration. The second reason to be concerned is that dental disease will decrease your pet's life span by causing other critical organs to be damaged by germs and inflammatory components. Flossing your teeth can add years to your life. Dental care for your pet might also help them live longer. A pet with a healthy mouth is a pet with a healthy body.

What is the definition of dental disease?

Periodontal disease is referred to as dental disease.  This begins with the formation of soft plaque on the teeth. Although plaque is not visible on the teeth, it can cause irritation and inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis is the medical term for this condition. Tartar is formed when the minerals in the saliva combine with the plaque to form an extremely hard substance called tartar. Tartar is something that we can all notice on the teeth of our pets.

What happens if my dog or cat develops gingivitis?

Gums that are inflamed begin to pull away from the tooth, forming a pocket. The bacteria can enter in the pocket and cause an infection, which affects the tissues surrounding the tooth, such as ligaments and bone. This is a really significant issue! The tooth is held in the jawbone by the ligament and bone. Periodontal disease can cause them to break down, resulting in the tooth permanent loss. In certain cases, the infection has progressed to the point where the jaw bone begins to break down, resulting in a fractured jaw.

How can I keep my pet's teeth healthy?

Taking care of your pet's teeth in the same manner you do your own is the most effective approach to avoid dental illness. This includes brushing your pet's teeth - yes, cleaning your pet's teeth! Use flavored pet toothpaste that doesn't need to be rinsed. Brushing your pet's teeth at least once a day is recommended. If you clean your pet's teeth at the same time every day and make it a good experience for them, they will look forward to it and will be able to remind you when it's time to clean their teeth.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Dogs Safety: The Significance of Dog Collars

Despite the fact that most people are aware of the need of wearing a collar, many people are unaware of just how critical it is to wear one, and not just any collar, but one that serves a specific function. Collars for dogs and cats are the single most important piece of pet safety equipment that a pet owner can invest in. It is standard practice to use collars to keep newborn pets, like kittens and puppies from wandering away, especially while they are unacquainted with their new surroundings. Leaving your pet alone in busy or heavily populated areas may result in your pet going missing.

Whether its newborn puppies, adopted pets, or purchased pets, lots of animals require several months to a year of acclimation to the new environment. It's recommended that you take them for walks in and around your neighborhood during this time because they're intelligent animals who can frequently retrace their steps back home as they become familiar with your regular walking routes as they grow older. Remember that your pet should always be restrained when exploring their surroundings because this stage of training is so critical. Although this does not imply that it is safe to walk your dog without a leash in the future, it does imply that if your dog becomes lost or wanders around without a leash, they will be able to retrace their steps.

The Humane Society's Dissertation

The Humane Society has published a wonderful essay on why collars are so essential, and they also recommend that you always try to get an ID Tag or GPS Tracking collar. Wearing a GPS tracking device on their dog collars gave an extra layer of security, and though GPS tracking gadgets are more expensive in the long run owing to cellular costs and monthly costs, it's always worth it to have such protection. Dogs sometimes wander off into neighborhoods, and you may have to rely on a kind Samaritan to return your pet by phoning the owner with their dog's name written on their tag.

Breakaway Collars

It's also recommended to avoid breakaway collars, though this is a personal preference, because many can easily detach and cause a pet unfamiliar with their surroundings to run away. If this is the case, it's almost a must in most cases to ensure they have something on their collar that allows the owner to locate their pets by tracing their whereabouts. As a concerned dog owner, not knowing where your dog is may be excruciating, so try your best to track them down. It's also crucial to choose the proper dog collars, which are intended to attach, fasten, or hold their ID tags the better.

If you want to be especially cautious, look for collars that have reflective characteristics for high night visibility so that the pet may be found quickly if he or she wanders out at night while wearing them. We cannot stress enough how important it is to ensure the safety of your loved ones, and this is something that should always take precedence over dog beds and other accessories when making a purchase.


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